birth freebirth healthcare herbal remedies herbalism midwifery natural remedy plant medicine pregnancy uterus Jan 01, 2020

A radical connection takes place between women and their power at the moment of birth, the deepening of a human into their true soul and spiritual nature, the undoubtable experience of magic and otherworldly-ness. When one human emerges from another and inhales the breath of earthly life, no thought, no rationale and no fear can exist for a precious and exquisite moment. 

Awe. Wonder. Childhood takes over your heart and mind. Joy and bliss enter the room, no matter what fear was in place the moments before or what expectations are to come. There’s a moment when all the worlds collide and your pure essence aligns with the essence of another and illumination happens in your heart.

It’s not a widely discussed feeling and we are unable to articulate it with words. Therefore, we as parents and adults channel that feeling into the infant and the growing life. The wonder and awe stay alive in those small and curious souls. Because I have seen this illumination and transformation repeatedly, I can more easily stay in this feeling of awe and cultivate the hope for our future - a vision of women and children as magic and creative forces in our world.

I’ve created self-care that involves remembering that moment, opening my heart and sharing with the hearts of others that more is possible.

It’s not about physically birthing our own child. It’s witnessing the moment. Witnessing the power of the person creating, embodying and birthing the new life. It’s learning to have awe and curiosity, believing in the power of creative love, digging in to your own soul and nurturing, carrying and releasing it’s power into your waking life. Birth is the example, the metaphor, the guide. It’s an innate part of our human experience. We all started at birth. There’s no denying the magic you once felt. 

I invite you to remember your primal instinctual soul creation. The collision of your body, mind and soul onto this earth. Step into your birth, the birth of a soul mission and creative adventure that can change your life for the greatest good.


Let’s change the paradigm together:

for ourselves, for our children and for the wellbeing of our mother earth.

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