healthcare herbal remedies herbalism natural remedy plant based plant medicine well-being wellness womens health Jul 08, 2019

Health care can only come from you, from the person to whom that health matters.  "Health care" is not a system to be maintained by the government and paid for monthly.

Health care is knowing how we feel and making choices that enhance our well-being. Caring for our health means we recognize our health, knowing what feels good in our skin. Knowing that those little aches and pains mean we've been neglecting some part of our wellness - mental, emotional, or just plain physical.

Health care should be education, awareness and promotion of what natural human health can look like. We must not assume illness and pain is a normal state of being. I am not saying we must be free of pain and illness in our lives, or that if we do have some, we are somehow flawed. But we must not tolerate it as normal.

Humans have every capability to heal, regenerate and renew. Health care should include tools that facilitate this renewal not suppress or disregard it. For me this means, acknowledging all levels of an illness: physical, emotional, life impacts, relationship imbalance.

Health care first and foremost can be preventative. Then as life unfolds and experiences shape us, we use our pain and illness as a tool to guide us to where we'd rather be. As we move toward that place of where we'd rather be, gradually and naturally, our wellness returns.

If we ignore our health as a guidepost, we find ourselves in blame, shame or denial. We start looking outside ourselves for answers. Those outside answers ultimately lead us down someone else's path. That outside path has created a major industry with a financial goal. Doctor's have little education in the normal human experience as they are now intensely educated on what a sick patient looks like and what drug suppresses the symptom. Slowly functional medicine is emerging that allows medical science to help diagnose basic deficiencies that are nutritional or inherent. With this information, each person can begin supporting their system where it is weak and imbalanced.

Natural health professionals, herbalists and midwives have been using this strategy since… forever. I can see the merging of these worlds to create a new generation of healing and health for our children. We can begin by fortifying our health when we are young, eating whole foods, getting out in nature and becoming self-aware.

Simple steps can create a disease-free future. Illness will continue, but it can be temporary and impermanent instead of chronic and debilitating. We can all dive deeper into what is holding us back and begin to shift. Shine a light on your health in my Mind-Body Connection Course.


Let’s change the paradigm together:

for ourselves, for our children and for the wellbeing of our mother earth.

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