awareness body signals course emotional emotional awareness healing healing journey mind body connection mind body link physical self assessment Jun 26, 2019
People, especially women, have many wrecking habits but few healing habits. Emotional awareness and reconnecting to the information that is available in our feelings and our bodies is gold. It’s the best way to begin your healing journey.
Here are my tips to identify what habits you are maintaining in your life that wreck your health. Awareness is always the first step. I repeat. Awareness is always the first step.
Who do you argue with?
Is work overwhelming?
Are you eating out more than feels good?
Are you committed to things you don’t really want to do?
Have you done this before? It’s not a test. It’s a simple way to check in with yourself. Use my free handy food journal to track your diet. Here’s how to do it:
Pick any 3 days this week and write down everything you put in your body. Food, drinks, snacks, supplements, recreational substances and air. Ok, just kidding, not air. There are apps out there that make it easy, or just jotting it on paper, your phone’s notepad, or my handy food journal is a great alternative. Just get it down somewhere, so you can look over it at the end of the week.
You don’t have to tell or show anyone. This is for you. Remember this whole process is for you.
Take 1-5 minutes after each meal to slow down and feel your body. You can do this while you’re still sitting at the table or about 30 minutes after eating. You will notice changes for at least 1 hour. Ask yourself:
Do I feel satisfied?
Did I overeat? Or under eat? Am I thirstier now?
Do I have gas? Burping? Feel irritable?
Feel drowsy or anxious?
Do I have a headache?
Am I itchy or sneezing?
What did you feel? Write some key words to refer to at the end of your 5 days. Do you see a pattern emerging?
If you are interested in getting feedback, pop over to the Facebook Group and post a pic of it. I’ll make a comment for you about any areas that you are doing great or could improve on and you can further your accountability.
What do you notice in your life that really bums you out? Looks for things that:
Cause physical discomfort. Maybe you already know pizza or beer just tears up your stomach, but you get seduced into eating out with friends more often than is ideal. Do you have pain in your back, but haven't gotten a new desk chair or seen a chiropractor in months?
Sucks your time. Do you find yourself on Netflix or scrolling on your phone well past your mental comfort level? Maybe you feel a twinge or ache to do something, but you say, "After this is over" or "I’ll just check my notifications". Maybe you say, "Yes" to dinner with a friend when you'd rather be reading, vegging out, or finishing a project.
Gives you a pang in your gut. Like "ugh! This cabinet is so cluttered" or "my dishes are never-ending!". Maybe you really dislike most of your wardrobe, maybe you have one friend that always is in crisis or drama and uses you as a sounding board. This includes unfinished business or the metaphorical trash you haven’t taken out of your life.
This isn't just a mental list. When it stays in our heads, it becomes an unneeded stress. As you begin to write it down or share it with a friend or partner, you gain a bit more accountability. You don't necessarily have to take action just yet; you’ll feel freer just by naming it.
No guilt, blame or ridicule involved here. Having a concrete way to check yourself is valuable and motivating if used as a a messenger, not as a judgmental voice.
We can all dive deeper into what is holding us back and begin to shift. These steps help you shine a light on your health. I take this process further in the Mind-Body Connection Course.
Letβs change the paradigm together:
for ourselves, for our children and for the wellbeing of our mother earth.
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